Well, it happened and it happened right here in T-town. A woman is suing Walgreens over accusing her of using fraudulent coupons. If you have been couponing for more than a day, you’ve probably had a coupon issue or two. While I have never been humiliated in front of other people about my coupon usage, I have certainly heard of others having similar issues.
What are your thoughts on this? Have you been accused of using fraudulent coupons? Read the whole story at TulsaWorld.com.
Mel says
I have been accused of it at Reasor’s , Walmart, and Target.
Linda says
Yes I have, at Walmart!! The manager at one of the Walmart’s in Lincoln, Nebraska. Told me in a very loud and rude way (as he stood towering over me–I’m only 5 ft tall) that he didn’t care what Walmart ‘s coupon policy was. He didn’t have to let me use the coupons with my purchase if didn’t want to!!
Kathleen says
I was accused at a national grocery store near where I live, in another state. The woman loudly and rudely falsely accused me. I went home and wrote down the facts with replicas of the coupon I used and brought it back to the store and gave it to Management. They apologized for the woman’s error and for her rudeness and gave me an excellent deal on some items I was purchasing that day. It was not enough, I rarely shop at the store, the woman could have simply asked me about the coupon in a professional manner, rather than being a bully. The accusation was absurd, the online coupon I used did not even look like the Sunday insert one she insisted was used incorrectly. I wish I would have thought to sue them, I would have easily won the case. The store has lost a lot of my business over the years and most likely others have stopped shopping there because of poor customer service.