Learning store coupon policies is key to saving money. Every single store has a different policy and many of them update them regularly. Once you learn the store policy, you can master money saving techniques at that particular store.
For example, once I learned at Whole Foods that I could wait for a sale, combine my coupons with that sale and then buy a case of the product and get an extra 10% off that case, that changed everything. I buy healthy foods, I shop organic and specialty foods and with a policy like the one at Whole Foods, saving money on those items became a heck of a lot easier. But, I never would have known if I had not researched their policy.
If you live around stores that do not publish their policy, simply call the store manager and ask the following questions:
Do you take coupons?
Do you take internet coupons?
Do you double coupons?
What other special offers do you have (double flyer sales, in-ad coupons, etc)?
Get the name of the manager you speak to for future reference. It’s always good to give a call to your closest stores every once in awhile, you never know what you’ll find!
Here are a few of the most popular store coupon policies right now:
Enjoy the savings!